Teeth Whitening: Health Facts & Tips

Cosmetic Dentistry Nsw is above and more and more people are now heading to the Cosmetic Dentist Richmond asking about how they can increase the appearance of their smile. A recent survey was done with you, found that 40% of Australia wanted to whiten their teeth with bleach, veneers, or Invisalign. With it said, there are still many myths out there about teeth whitening & bleaching. Here, we separate the facts from fiction and help you learn more about teeth whitening from Teeth Whitening Dentist Near You. Tenfacts about Teeth Whitening Richmond 1. many factors affect your diet. Food and drinks such as tea, coffee, and red wine can discolor your teeth as time, as can smoke. Genetics can also affect how bright your teeth. 2. If the plaque is not removed regularly by brushing and flossing, it hardens to form calculus. Calculus (also known as Tartar) can also affect your teeth color. 3. Some people may h...