How Teeth Whitening Dentist Brightens Your Smile
Now and then, everyone and everything needs a little help to look its best. Your teeth also require special care to keep as white as you might like them to be But with some assistance from your Nepean Dental's Teeth whitening dentist, you can have the bright, healthy smile you've always wanted.

We are Cosmetic And Restorative Dentistry near you offering effective and affordable teeth whitening services that can produce dramatic results right away. With in-office whitening, for example, your teeth can be up to eight shades brighter after just one treatment! Take-home whitening treatments, with custom-made trays fitted in your dentist office, provide similar results in a longer time frame. Either way, you'll see the kind of improvement that will make you smile.
Our specialized Penrith dentist recommends don't confuse this specialized treatment with over-the-counter products or shopping-mall services. These may work — or they may do damage! Having an oral exam is the first step, to ensure that tooth discoloration isn't due to any underlying dental problem. From then on, your treatment is professionally supervised by expert Cosmetic Dentist Penrith to make certain that you get the lightening you want, safely.
Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening in Penrith
Teeth whitening may be the most popular cosmetic dental procedure available today — and perhaps the most economical, too. While it's possible to use over-the-counter products to lighten your teeth, these solutions aren't as powerful as those provided at a Penrith Dental Clinic.and also you won't receive the benefits of professional Teeth Whitening treatment and supervision. What should you expect from our specialized teeth-whitening dentist near you?
First, you'll receive a thorough oral exam, to make sure that any discoloration of your teeth isn't due to a dental problem that needs another kind of Cosmetic And Restorative Dentistry treatment. Next, you'll have a choice of two teeth whitening treatment methods: In Penrith Implant Centre or take-home trays.
In Penrith Dental Clinic treatment uses the most highly-concentrated Teeth whitening solutions, from expert teeth whitening dentists and offers the most dramatic results. Your teeth may be lightened from two to eight shades after a single one-hour treatment! While you're being treated, your dentist will carefully protect and monitor sensitive areas of the teeth, gums, and mouth.
In take-home whitening, our cosmetic dentist Sydney will first make a cast of your teeth, which is then used to custom-fabricate a set of flexible mouth trays. You fill the trays with whitening gels we provide and wear them at home for about an hour at a time. You'll get nearly the same results, but the process may take a few weeks.
Learn more by reading the NepeanDental Implants Article
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